爱诗特浓Estelon Extreme巅峰落地音箱(图1) 转载请注明出处,www.hdav.com.cn



  低音 :2×10” Aluminium dome www.hdav.com.cn

  中低音 :10” Aluminiumdome www.hdav.com.cn

  中频 :7” Ceramicinverted dome


  高音 :1,5” Diamondinverted dome


  频率响应 :20-45 000 Hz


  额定功率 :500 W hdav.com.cn

  额定阻抗 :4 Ohm

  敏感度 :91 dB/2,83 V

  高度 :1770 mm – 2070 mm

  宽度 :790 mm

  深度 :820 mm

  净重 :250 kg


  乍看之下,这对视觉设计打破巢臼,别出心裁,饶富艺术况味的Extreme是标标准准的两声道喇叭,实际上,它仍是一对四件式喇叭,只是在Estelon品牌创办人兼总设计师Alfred Vassilkov的创见巧思之下,竟让观者浑然不觉这是对四件式喇叭。请注意看,Extreme共分成上下半截两独立音箱,下半身金橘色箱体左右两侧各装1颗Accuton10吋铝合金三明治凸盆振膜中低音,可视为低音柱;上半身消光黑箱体的前障版有装有三颗Accuton单体,由上至下分别是10寸铝合金三明治振膜凸盆中低音、7寸陶瓷振膜中音与1.5寸钻石振膜高音,是为主发声柱。左右声道,上下半身,分开看就是一对线音源的四件式喇叭,合体之后遂成了对传统两声道喇叭。如此前卫大胆的设计构思,在Alfred匠心妙手之下,竟幻化一身优雅绝美,同时,还能避免传统四件式喇叭占空间又不好摆位的缺点。我不禁赞叹Alfred这人真是当今喇叭设计界的奇才,在我心中的地位,俨然已与Vivid Audio的总设计师,也就是当年设计出鹦鹉螺的Laurence Dickie平起平坐-甚至,我认为Alfred的设计更富优雅美感。




  在Extreme所选用的Accuton单体中,最令人瞩目的无非是首度出现的10吋铝合金三明治振膜凸盆中低音单体。尽管说Accuton这颗造型特殊的凸盆低音早一步被Marten Design抢先使用,可是,Marten Coltrane Tenor所装的是小尺寸口径,Extreme却用上10寸版本,还一口气用上三颗——两颗作低音,一颗作中低音使用,如此一来,不仅能取得更大口径低音单体的等值量感,还能确保低音反应速度跟得上中高音段,低音声部的音品能与中低音作自然衔接。于是乎,只要分音器作简单的二阶分音架构,就能让全数单体音色连贯,密度齐高,听感上自然就有一体感与一致性。


  箱体结构方面,Extreme延续Estelon几款前作如C Diamond、XA、XB、XC的专利E-lon箱体技术,运用Formula 1赛车等级的高硬度,多层复合式塑钢复合大理石材料打造出这等高刚性,低共振,全无平行面的圆弧造型音箱。各位可别看Extreme曲线婀娜,体态妖娆,每支喇叭净重可是高达250公斤!所谓不重则不威,这么重的箱体当然能让单体获得稳若泰山的发声基础,再加上音箱内部施以多层阻尼,自然消弭箱内驻波:高音单体外还铺上一层羊毛毡,配合圆弧箱体,进一步防止绕射干扰,再次提升音质纯度。



  The monumental sculpture of a speaker, standing up to 2 meters high, craves for attention through Estelon’s signature design. Extreme gives you a perception of the quality it performs, even before you embrace the entrancing sound it delivers.

  The proprietary marble based composite material with the finest aesthetic finish presents the familiar sculpture-like design that Estelon has trademarked over the years. Following the principles that have proven itself with every product launched by Estelon, the shape and the material of the speaker are an essential part of the powerful performance the speaker provides.

  The truly mesmerizing experience begins when the design and the technology fuse together, as the audience will be left in awe after being absorbed in seamlessly blended soundscape.


  Extreme’s design is the manifetation of Estelon’s engineering principles that blend function and form together to work seamlessly in harmony.

  The synergy presented in Extreme takes a whole new meaning when the listener discovers the

  performance enchanting principles the design harbors.

  Estelon’s head-engineer Alfred Vassilkov has provided the Extreme with all the innovative break-through technology and design principles that he has been multiple times awarded for over the years.

  Extreme is the visually aesthetic definition of Estelon’s relentless pursuit to technological perfection. Simply put, it looks as good as it sounds, because it is a sum of everything Estelon stands for as a leading innovator in the high end speaker industry.


  The most noticeable change in Exteme’s design is that it’s built of two modules. The upper module allows the speaker to be adjustable by user for optimizing the sound in regard of audience’s position and room specifics. It also isolates the high, medium and mid-bass drivers from the vibration that the lower positioned bass drivers provide.

  Through the positioning of the bass drivers in lower module and the design of the cabinet, Extreme delivers a complete acoustic sphere by not breaking the sonic geometry. As a result the listener is presented with the quality of the bass that is unheard of.

  Sound quality

  The quality of Extreme’s sound is the result of every engineering detail and design decision as whole - the shape and material of the cabinet, the top tier components and the engineering experience of masterfully fitting it all together. This provides an outcome that allows Extreme to deliver a complete and harmonious soundscape which is bigger than the sum of its components.

  Every aspect of Extreme’s sound is rich, dynamic and immersive. All the details are delivered with perfection, providing the listener with a truly natural and pure experience. The sound of Extreme is an event on its own, where the speaker itself completely disappears as a sound source, replacing its presence with the venue in which the recording was made.


  We pride ourselves with tradition of building our speakers by hand and continue this practice with the release of Estelon Extreme. Every cabinet is built manually by highly experienced and expert craftsmen with the attention to detail, that Estelon is known for.

  Extreme is the first speaker in Estelon’s product line that utilizes two colour combination to compliment the speakers

  monumental cabinet design. The matte black as the primary colour combined with the glossy polished finishes, also used by high-end automotive manufacturers, enhances Extreme’s every curve with the beautiful aesthetic reflections, making these speakers the true heart and soul of any room.