PSB Imagine X2T落地式扬声器
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美国发烧天书TAS推荐值得购买的好音箱(2015版) 转自
天书TAS 2015年度评选:落地音箱获奖产品
美国天书TAS 2015年金耳朵奖(Golden Ear Awards)获奖产品专辑 微信号:860275582
PSB Imagine X2T Tower亦是出身自多声道影院世家PSB,进入官网可以发现其产品线涉及影院、Hi-Fi、甚至是耳机,而每个系列都有众多的产品,反映了该品牌拥有相当高的研发能力,就连加拿大国家研究委员会NRC也是为其提供研究。PSB诞生于1972年,距今已经有42年的历史,尽管加拿大不是一个音响大国,但PSB在全世界却有50家代理和1000多家经销,深究其成功的原因,莫过于拥有人性化的产品并且把握到客户的需求。PSB即为people、sound、business(人、声音、事业)的简写,公司的宗旨是real people real sound(真实的人和真实的声音)。为了贯彻这个理念,创办人Paul Barton从一个爱乐者出发,务求做到做接近真实的声音,其次是与NRC合作,从人的听觉生理学和心理学出发,找出普遍人最容易受感动的声音,从而打造出一件件精品。
Imagine X2T Tower音箱是其家族第二级系列Imagine 中的产品,它是一款传统的四路三分频产品,上面的黑色5英寸单元为中音,下面的高音单元由25mm的钛膜制成(我认为钛膜依然是低价位产品中要做出优秀音响性的最具性价比选择),声音相当有能量而具备穿透力,分析力高但不失华丽。然后是两只6.5英寸低音单元,依靠两个低音和钛膜高音,使频宽达到30Hz-23kHz±3dB。此外每个低音单元下面都有属于自己倒相孔,这保证了倒相孔工作时气流的稳定,如果两个低音单元共用一个倒相孔,那么不同时间到达的气流肯定会对声音产生影响,每个低音和倒相孔独立一个空间处理,两个空间之间再填充吸音物料,那么两路低音就能独立而统一地工作。
值得介绍的是低音单元和中音单元都有一个共同特点,就是复合材料制成的凹形盘上有一个金属椎体,很多发烧友能认出这是当年SCAN SPEAK的经典设计,但却少有人知道那粒金属椎体是被动的,凹形盘连接被电流驱动的线圈,这个椎体能够提高整体单元的阻尼,使喇叭的活塞运动更加线性,会令音箱变得“大食”的同时使声音保真。因此在早期的采用此设计的音箱中,大部分还是比较容易驱动,而这对音箱也有88dB的灵敏度(8欧姆阻抗),结合价位的话,非常适合入门爱好者。
Imagine X2T Tower Speaker
This slim floorstanding model borrows many design innovations from our multiple award-winning Imagine T2 model, yet costs only one third as much! Much of the cost savings come from a simplified cabinet design, but other advancements have allowed us to bring a new level of performance to this price range.
Extended Bass Response that's Fast and Articulate
Each 6 1/2" woofer has its own separate acoustic chamber tuned with a front-facing port to achieve incredible control and spatial, dynamic sound quality. Dividing and individually porting the chamber eliminates standing waves inside the X2T's tall, slim speaker cabinet. The placement of the woofers in multiple positions also reduces the first reflection phenomenon, minimizing the negative effects of the primary ‘floor bounce' reflections, creating a much more accurate and tuneful bass performance. The result being low distortion bass response that speaks with powerful authority.
Our Ears are Most Sensitive to the Midrange Frequencies
The Imagine X2T is a true three-way speaker that utilizes a separate midrange driver in its own tuned enclosure for ideal dispersion and low distortion at high SPLs. The all-new driver is designed specifically for the Imagine X2T. Featuring an injection-moulded poly-filled carbon fibre cone, the 5 1/4" midrange driver features a novel shape and filleted surround to optimize the reproduction of voices. The narrow cabinet design contributes by preventing diffraction effects that can create early acoustic reflections that colour the sound of voices and instruments.
Pure Titanium Tweeter Dome for Extended High Frequencies
The one-inch dome combines a high stiffness-to-mass ratio for ultra-fast transients and extended response without breakup until well beyond audibility. The high temperature voice coil with ferrofluid cooling allows for high SPL output without compression, and the rare-earth neodymium motor magnet gives high sensitivity and accurate response at the lower end of its response range. A carefully engineered phase plug (the little plate in front of the dome) extends high frequency response and helps control the inevitable high frequency breakup mode while protecting the delicate dome from prying fingers.
Imagine X
The Essentials.
True-to-nature sound is the design goal of all PSB Speakers. Imagine X brings a new level of realism to these affordable speakers applying the latest speaker materials and technology to PSB's most popular models. PSB's designers focused on simplicity—distilling sound to its purest essence—in order to bring listeners the experience that they really love.
Acoustic Research Makes the Difference
Through many years of research at the National Research Council Canada (NRC), home to one of the world's most advanced acoustical laboratories, our design team at PSB Speakers has learned not only what people love to hear, but also how they hear it in a room. Critical to the Imagine X design is this research into human perception of sound using double-blind listening tests. Double-blind testing removes any listener bias to give us the most accurate test result. It allows PSB to understand what is most important to listeners and allows us to create the ideal blend of performance and price for every application. In 1974, we were the first company to use the NRC for loudspeaker development and we remain the most active user of the facility today. Our experience with the NRC, how we interpret the data and implement it into the design of our Imagine X speakers, sets us apart from other speaker manufacturers. It has allowed us to focus on our primary goal—delivering real sound for real people.
"By conducting carefully controlled blind speaker tests, then measuring all the speakers to see what sonic characteristics appealed to the listeners in the tests, we were able to figure out what matters and what doesn't." - Paul Barton, Founder and Chief Designer
Real Sound for Real People
Four models, one objective: to reproduce the most accurate sound available for the money. Imagine X models are all carefully matched in timbre, giving you flexibility to combine any of the models to work together in many different rooms and system setups.
