麦格尼潘Magnepan MMG落地箱(图1) 转自老蜗牛家庭影院博客

 该产品入选:日本《Stereo Sound》2014年度评选最值得购买Best Buy精品:扬声器(1万元以下) 转自老蜗牛家庭影院博客

                          美国发烧天书TAS推荐40款最物超所值的HIFI音响精品 微信号:860275582



  Description:2-Way / Quasi-Ribbon Planar-Magnetic 微信号:hdavcomcn

  Freq. Resp:50 - 24 kHz ±3 dB


  Rec Power:Read Frequently Asked Questions 转自laowoniu.com

  Sensitivity:86dB / 500Hz / 2.83v


  Impedance:4 Ohm

  Dimensions:14.5 x 48 x 1.25

  We'll tell you right up front--- The 4 MMG models we offer with a 60-day money back guarantee are the marketing equivalent of those tasty little morsels handed out in high-end grocery stores. You won't see many Magneplanar ads in audio magazines. They are expensive and they are not as effective as they were 40 years ago. And you won't see Magneplanars at Best Buy or other "big box" stores.

  In 1995, we had a better idea when we first introduced the $599 pair floor-standing MMG. Most consumers do their research on the internet. That's probably how you found us. Or from one of our thousands of happy customers. The MMG, 60-day, money-back guarantee "appetizer" concept has proven more successful than any other marketing idea. Only a very small percentage of customers return their MMG models because they didn't like them. And most eventually move up to our better models. So, warning is fair, you might get "hooked".

  The floor-standing MMG at $599 pair is still available and has introduced thousands of audiophiles to the unique sound of ribbon speakers since 1995. Later, when customers want to add home theater, the MMG C (center) and the MMG W (on-wall) are the speakers of choice at $295 and $325 pair, respectively. Now, we are taking it to a higher level.